What inspired the project?
In late 2009, Susan, 51 at the time, began to observe the disastrous impact of the Great Recession on her peers, the boomers. She wanted to do a long-term journalism project on the issue and give many older unemployed Americans a chance to tell their own stories in some depth. She wanted to do a multimedia documentary project more akin to a Studs Terkel book than a traditional print story.
Sam Newman, filmmaker, joined as the project videographer in early 2010.
How did you find subjects?
We have collaborated with a number of state and local employment agencies as well as church and other support groups. Since mid-2010 we have received many volunteers through the contact form on our website.
Has the project received media attention?
Yes, a number of print, radio and television outlets have covered our project. Please visit our Press page for more info.
I would like to be interviewed for the project.
We have finished interviewing, but we are delighted if you would like to contribute and submit your own video.
How is the project funded?
To date, Over 50 and Out of Work has been privately funded.