A happy outcome for Rudy Limas, one of our Oregon interviewees, as a result of his participation in Over 50 and Out of Work!
Here’s how Rudy found a new job:
Both The Oregonian and KATU Channel 2 featured Over 50 and Out of Work in news stories after our recent interviewing trip in the Portland area.
Kerry Tomlinson, KATU reporter, asked us to refer one of our interviewees to her. Once we checked with Rudy LImas, we put her in touch with him. Rudy began working at a young age as a migrant farmworker, but eventually became a commercial truckdriver. Most recently, he delivered manufactured homes. He was laid off in 2009, when home sales plummeted as a consequence of the Great Recession.
Unable to find work since that time, Rudy, who supports two of grandchildren, was growing increasingly concerned that he would lose his home and that he and his family would end up homeless.
KATU profiled Rudy LImas in its TV series about unemployment. Following the TV coverage, four employers interested in hiring Rudy contacted KATU.
This week, Rudy started a job at a local company that produces medical equipment, and last night, KATU ran Unemployed grandfather gets hired on its evening news.
Congratulations, Rudy!