Our documentary SET FOR LIFE is currently airing on public television stations nationally. Please check you local listings, and we are also keeping track of dates and times on the documentary page of our Over 50 and Out of Work website.
SET FOR LIFE will be shown on WLIW21 (New York) on Sunday, Dec. 29 at 5:30 p.m. and on Thirteen (New York) on Saturday, Jan. 4 at 1 p.m.
The broadcast of SET FOR LIFE by American Public Television is funded in part by AARP Foundation, working to win back opportunity for struggling Americans, 50 and older.
We continue to develop a supportive community on our Over 50 and Out of Work/Set for Life Facebook and Twitter. Please continue to add your comments and thoughts to our website, Facebook and Twitter.
Over the past year, we connected with and posted about programs that help older unemployed workers find jobs, including The Workplace in Bridgeport, Conn., the Institute for Career Transitions in Cambridge, Mass. and the West Philadelphia Skills Initiative in Philadelphia, Penn.
Sue Sipprelle appeared on the Melissa Harris-Perry show on MSNBC in a segment about the long-term unemployed.
We have also started working on our next documentary, which will be about women veterans who have served in Iraq or Afghanistan. Please take a look at our Riding to Peace Facebook page to see some of our preliminary filming for this new project.
Tree of Life Productions was also able to give back a little in 2013. Sam Newman contributed his skills to video about one of the young students killed in the tragic Newton, Conn. school shooting.
We hope all those who are seeking employment find good jobs in 2014. Our best wishes for a peaceful and healthy New Year.
Sue Sipprelle & Sam Newman